Engage for Good recognized the global League of Legends community at the 2021 Golden Halo Awards for their support around the Dawnbringer Karma Fundraiser which won the Consumer Donation Category in partnership with ImpactAssets. More than 7 million players across the world voted for 46 local nonprofits and raised more than $6 million for the Riot Games Social Impact Fund to support impactful nonprofits from around the globe in our Dawnbringer Karma campaign. This honor follows the 2019 Golden Halo Award for League players’ generosity with Dark Star Cho’Gath.
During the Dawnbringer Karma fundraiser, players voted to decide which of three local nonprofits in their communities would receive a majority of the funding raised. The winning nonprofit in each region received 50% of their charity pool and the other nonprofits received 25% each, with a guaranteed minimum of $10,000, and ImpactAssets then dispersed the donations to the local nonprofits.
All of us at Riot are honored to be part of the League community, which continued their charitable support with Elderwood Ornn, raising more than $7 million for the Riot Games Social Impact Fund. We look forward to sharing more about this year’s charity fundraiser and working together to make a positive and lasting impact in our local communities.

Jeffrey "Kushnood" Burrell
Jeffrey Burrell jest szefem działu oddziaływania społecznego i dyrektorem wykonawczym Funduszu Oddziaływania Społecznego w Riot Games. Nadzoruje wszystkie działania związane z oddziaływaniem społecznym i zrównoważonym rozwojem, takie jak zbiórki charytatywne w pięciu grach Riotu, wypłaty funduszy i grantów przyznawanych na całym świecie przez Fundusz Oddziaływania Społecznego, wewnętrzne zbiórki funduszy wśród pracowników oraz działania wolontariuszy. Jeffrey ukończył studia podyplomowe dla kadry menedżerskiej w Kellogg School of Management na Northwestern University oraz w Harvard Kennedy School.