The Curriculum

Curriculum Guide
An overview of the URF Online Curriculum. It contains a teacher's overview, additional context, and a glossary of terms.

Game Feeling & 8 Kinds of Fun
This module focuses on players. It discusses the holistic experience that a game should deliver, framed from the player perspective.

Goals & Pacing
This module focuses on the goals. Goals provide pacing and to give players purpose.

Meaningful Decisions & Opposition
This module focuses on player and designer created opposition. Opposition is necessary to allow players to make meaningful gameplay decisions.

Rules, Thematics, & Complexity
This module focuses on game mechanics and systems. Rules and how they operate impact how games are created and played.

This module focuses on interaction. Interaction is all of the gameplay that players experience.

Final Project
To conclude their introduction to game design, students will work in groups to design, develop, and playtest a paper prototype of a multiplayer game.

The URF Academy Online Game Design Curriculum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.